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Fuel Poverty News

Fuel Poverty tackled through renewable energy
12 Aug 2009

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FUEL costs are being slashed in housing trust properties as solar panels are installed in 30 more homes.

Renewable energy efficiency initiatives have been introduced in the rural Chester & District Housing Trust properties

In Broxton, solar water heating panels have been fitted as a more environmentally acceptable solution to gas, which will improve efficiency and reduce fuel costs for residents.

The use of solar panels is part of CDHT’S three year programme to increase energy efficiency in their properties; in October last year, CDHT spent more than £700,000 installing more efficient new boilers to keep tenant energy costs down.

The trust is working in partnership with UK solar company Solar Twin, which is based at Watergate Street, Chester to provide self sufficient solar energy.

Dave Soothill, CDHT assistant director of Asset Management and Development, said: “CDHT is aware of the impact that fuel prices have on our residents and is committed to an affordable warmth strategy that will reduce fuel poverty for tenants.

“We are investing heavily in energy efficiency and we are currently fitting solar panels across some of our rural properties. This is part of our work with partners to secure funding for other energy efficiency measures to our properties.

“We hope all of these efforts will assist our tenants throughout the winter and make a positive impact on allowing our residents to avoid fuel poverty. Solar heating reduces carbon emissions and fuel poverty, as well as giving our properties greater energy efficiency for the winter.

“We are also pleased to be supporting local sustainability in terms of Solar Twin, which is a Chester based business.”

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Source: Chester Chronicle