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Top Ten Painless
to save energy, money, tackle Climate Change
and reduce your
Carbon Footprint
low energy lightbulbs
They last between 6 and 10 years and use 80% less energy. |
Reduce your heating
by 1˚C
A comfortable living room temperature is
21˚C and 16-18˚C for bedrooms. Reduce temperatures in any unused rooms to
a minimum. Should save you 10% annually. |
Wash your laundry at 30˚C
clothes can be successfully washed at 30˚C. Cuts electricity costs
by up to 40% against washing at higher temperatures. |
Turn off all electrical gadgets
Save money and energy by not leaving TV's, computers, games consoles,
mobile phone chargers etc. on standby. Turn them off. |
Turn off lights
How many of us leave lights on in unattended rooms especially if we
have not taught our children to be energy conscious. Lead by example.
Leave a room, turn off the light. |
Boil what you need
Avoid unnecessary costs, by boiling only the amount of water you
need in your kettle. Jug kettles tend to be more efficient too. |
Drive efficiently
Reduce emissions, save fuel by eco-driving. Drive smoothly, remove
roof racks when not needed, ensure tyre pressures are correct, remove unwanted
loads, stay within speed limits, idling and over revving also wastes fuel. |
Energy efficient appliances
Use A rated kitchen appliances. Watch out for them next time you
decide to replace an appliance. This is a great way to cut your electricity bill
and make a difference to the environment. |
Draught dodgers
Draft-proof your home to make significant energy savings. Fill gaps
in floorboards and skirting boards with newspaper or sealants. Fix draughts
from doors, windows, letterboxes, keyholes etc. |
Have you thought of these
Turn off lights when you leave a room, fill up your washing machine,
close curtains at dusk, fix dripping taps, recycle, recycle, recycle.
Each of these will make a difference to your pocket and the environment. |
Spend a little, save a lot
click here for more great energy saving tips