Climate Change
Myth or Real?
impact and effects of climate change
what is
climate change
what are
greenhouse gases
what causes
climate change
what is
carbon footprint
action can we take

what is
climate change
what are
greenhouse gases
what causes
climate change
what is
carbon footprint
action can we take

what is
climate change
what are
greenhouse gases
what causes
climate change
what is
carbon footprint
action can we take
What Action Can We Take
Every single action in our daily
life, no matter how big or small will help towards decreasing global
warming and hence help save planet (and will also save us money!).
What can we do?
1. The Car
2. The Home
3. The Workplace
4. The Air travel
5. Reduce, reuse, recycle
6. Other actions
The car
Gas guzzling cars are one of the culprits of CO2 emission. There
are many ways you could do to help reduce the CO2 emissions. You could
replace your gas-guzzling car with a fuel-efficient one like a hybrid
car, an electric car or a car that uses less fuel or more fuel
Drive less. Take public transport like the bus or train. Leaving your
car at home two days a week will reduce your CO2 emissions enormously.
Try accumulating multiple errands into one trip, walk or take the
bicycle instead of driving the car.
Try carpooling. Imagine the amount of CO2 reduced when driving one car
with 4 people as compared to driving four cars.
Maintain your car well. A simple tune-up often improves fuel
efficiency. A poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by as much
as 10-20 percent.
Keep your tyres properly inflated, this can help reduce 400-700 pounds
of CO2 emissions per year.
Slow down, try keeping to the speed limit.. Driving at 80mph burns 10%
more fuel than driving at 60mph.
Maintain a steady speed to reduce fuel consumption on the motorway.
Constant braking and deceleration increases fuel consumption.
Don't rev up your car's engine or keep it idling. All of these will
help to save on fuel and lower your CO2 emissions. It is a good
idea to turn your engine off and restart it if you are stationary for
more than 30 seconds. Please consider this especially when you are in
traffic jams or at level crossings.
The home
There are many practical things you can do and a great place to start
is at home. Here are some ways to reduce CO2, manage your carbon
footprint, make your home more
comfortable and save money.
Majority of our household energy costs goes towards heating and
cooling. We can make a big difference by making small changes towards
improving household fuel efficiency.
Turn off lights, appliances, televisions and computers when not in use
.Don't leave appliances such as televisions and computers on standby
or mobile phone chargers on unnecessarily.
Use energy saving light bulbs, they last 12 times longer and use 80
percent less energy than regular bulbs.
Maintain your central heating system well. This will help you save you up to 5 percent in energy
Regulate your thermostat with different temperatures at different
times of the day. Reducing the thermostat by a degree or two will
dramatically help conserve energy usage and cut your heating bills by up
to 10%.
Make sure that doors and windows are sealed to prevent draughts
therefore a loss of energy. Improve fuel efficiency by ensuring you have
adequate loft insulation, double
glazing and cavity wall insulation.
Look out for energy-efficient brands when buying electrical goods.
Thousands of branded products now carry the Energy Efficiency
Recommended logo from the Energy Saving Trust. For example, an energy
efficient washing machine uses a third less electricity.
Always try to accumulate your washing so you have a full load.
Ensure your
dishwasher is full or wash by hand if you only have a few dishes.
Allow your clothes to air dry instead of using a tumble dryer.
Only boil the amount of water you need in your kettle.
Make sure taps are fully turned off and fix leaking taps. A dripping
hot water tap wastes not only water but energy too.
The workplace
Only use the lights you need. Switch off lights in unoccupied rooms.
Turn equipment off like computers, photocopiers and coffee makers,
particularly overnight and on weekends.
Use as little paper as possible, printing, photocopying and faxing uses
energy. Communicating electronically through email and fax is less
expensive, more productive and healthier for the environment.
Use recycled paper whenever possible.
Print on both sides. It saves energy and saves paper too.
a packed lunch or walk to the eatery instead of driving.
Motivate employees to improve energy efficiency in their workplace.
Air Travel
Flying creates a lot of CO2 however it would be a difficult task
for many to go without it. There are ways in which you can reduce your
CO2 emissions and still get to the destination you desire.
Before taking a trip, think about it. Can you defer or combine it
with another? Could you take the train instead? If you have to fly, consider non stop flights
rather stop offs. Make a conscious effort to reduce
travel by air.
Reduce, reuse , recycle
There are many things in the home and at work that can be reused
Keep containers, bags for future use. Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper napkins. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones.
Discourage junk mail by not subscribing into mailing lists. Buy products with minimal packaging and try not to buy disposable
products Reuse plastic carrier bags. Keep one or two in your pocket
for your next impromptu shop. Or better still use bags that be reused
time after time. Recycle all your cans and glass bottles. Ensure you
fully participate in the local council recycle scheme. Recycle your inkjet cartridges
and mobile phones. Recycle clothes or take them to a charity shop. Compost your kitchen and garden waste.
Collect rain water for use in the garden.
Other actions
Reduce your food miles by buying your fruit and vegetables locally. Support
your local farmer’s market and shops. Not only will you get fresh food, you will
help to reduce your CO2 emissions by not buying produce from abroad,
sometimes from across the other side of the world. Plant more trees or preserve forestation to absorb the CO2 that is
released in the atmosphere.