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The UK
is projected to better its Kyoto Protocol commitments for reducing
or limiting emissions of greenhouse gases, the Commission's annual
progress report on emissions shows. The latest projections indicate
that the UK will overshoot its 12.5% reduction target by 7.5%
through a combination of policies and measures already taken, the
purchase of emission credits from projects in third countries, and
forestry activities that absorb carbon from the atmosphere. The UK
is expected to achieve a 20% reduction in emissions by 2010 compared
to its Kyoto base year emissions (776.3 million tonnes of carbon
Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said: “The latest projections
are good news. They show that Europe's coordinated action to reach
the Kyoto targets is working. But Kyoto is only the first step: now
the world needs a new international climate agreement that
incorporates the ambitious emissions cuts Europe has set itself for
2020 and beyond. For this reason the additional measures that EU
member states plan need to be implemented, and the Commission's
climate change and energy package needs to be approved by the
European Parliament and Council, without delay. "
Kyoto commitments
Under the Kyoto Protocol, the 15 countries which were EU member
states when the Protocol was agreed (the EU-15) are committed to
reducing their collective greenhouse gas emissions in the period
2008-2012 to 8% below levels in a chosen base year (1990 in most
cases). This collective commitment has been translated into
differentiated national emission targets for each EU-15 member state
which are binding under EU law.
There is no collective target for EU-27 emissions. Ten of the twelve
member states which joined the EU in 2004 and 2007 have individual
commitments under the Protocol to reduce their emissions to 6% or 8%
below base year levels by 2008-2012. Only Cyprus and Malta have no
emission target. |