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Wishing all our visitors a
Happy Christmas!

  Santa goes green this Christmas. Announcement made at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.  
  Santa Claus has vowed to go green this Christmas and has astonished delegates from 192 countries when he addressed them at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. There were cheers from some, others left puzzled during a 30 minute speech when Santa announced a series of ground breaking green measures. Many thought Christmas had come early as eyes lit up as he moved towards the stage with a big red sack. But, as the presents emerged from the sack delegates soon realised these were just samples of presents, an indication of what to expect this Christmas.
“If you think green is mean this Christmas, I’m sorry you feel that way” said Santa. “but I am going back to basics this year”. Santa then described to a packed conference centre how the wastefulness and poor use of resources have become second nature in society today. Many gasped when he said, “no longer will you be judged this Christmas on whether you have been good or bad, for goodness sake! No, I will be looking at whether you’ve been seen to be green!”. Santa then told the startled audience when I visit your house this year please may I remind you of the following:
Mince pies & carrots must be organic & purchased within 5 miles of your home to reduce food miles. Toys will be made of wood from sustainable forests or plastics that can be easily recycled. A suitable composting bin must be placed near your property in case of accidental whoopsies by my reindeers. Children caught playing computer games over Christmas and running up their parents’ electricity bill will forfeit 2 years’ worth of presents. Parents driving instead of walking on Boxing Day to visit their outlaws will have to spend every weekend in 2010 visiting them. So was Santa’s deal approved by all 192 countries present. “Well” said Santa, “as I left the stage everyone started to sing I’m dreaming of a Green Christmas. Now, if that’s not approval what is!”